Facts vs. Myths in Clinical Research

Do you know the facts vs the myths regarding clinical research, in Boise ID?
Check out our article or quiz on clinical research FAQs to find out!
We are making it our mission that anyone who wants to apply to be a study participant in Boise ID has as much information about the participation process as possible!
Take this short quiz to test your knowledge & learn more about what we do here at Injury Care and Family Care Research! Then, read on to learn more about clinical research, Boise ID.
It’s Clinical Trial Trivia Time!

What do I need to know before I apply to be a study participant at a research clinic in Boise, Idaho?
First, you should know that participating in clinical research at Injury Care Research or Family Care Research is safe.
Many people think that clinical trials are dangerous, because they test new medications. While there are some risks involved, investigational drugs are put through rigorous scientific testing so the safety profile of the drug and any possible risks that may occur in humans is well documented before they are allowed to be tested on humans. It is our top priority at Injury Care and Family Care Research to keep our participants safe.
We monitor our patients closely for any potential side effects and will intervene in the instance that a patient’s safety is in jeopardy. As a research patient you are also free to withdraw from the study at any time for any reason. Furthermore, all clinical trials must be reviewed by a special committee of doctors, scientists, and community members (called an Institutional Review Board or IRB, for short) to ensure that before and during the trial the proper steps are taken to protect participants’ rights and safety.
Second, before applying to participate in clinical research in Boise, ID, you should know that not every applicant is accepted into every study.
You probably hear about clinical trials for conditions like cancer or ALS the most in the media, but research is necessary for improving ALL areas of medicine- including treatments for chronic conditions like hypertension (high blood pressure) & diabetes.That doesn’t mean that just anyone with borderline blood sugar can participate in any study about diabetes, though.
Only individuals who fit a certain checklist of characteristics (often known as eligibility criteria) are allowed to participate in each clinical trial. This may not seem fair at first glance, but these rules are put in place to ensure that the investigational drug is safe for the research participant and that the results of the study are clear and useful.
Furthermore, they also help to identify individuals who are most likely to actually benefit from participation in the trial. When you apply to participate in medical research, you will be asked a series of questions to determine if you will make a good fit for the trial. If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out to one of our recruitment specialists!
How do I find medical studies in Boise, ID that are right for me?
There are many clinical trials going on all over the nation for all kinds of conditions at any given time. Your doctor might not know if there is a study happening soon that would be beneficial to you. The National Institutes of Health has an online database that you, your family, or doctor can search to find appropriate trials, though. You can find it at www.clinicaltrials.gov. You can also follow Injury Care and Family Care Research on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to get notified every time we start a new study you could be eligible for!
Just call or click to learn more: 208-621-2503 or https://injurycareresearch.com/
What happens after I am accepted as a participant in a clinical trial?
Once you are accepted into a study, the informed consent process can begin!
Before participating in any kind of medical research, you will sign a document agreeing that you understand the potential risks and benefits of doing so, the clinic’s responsibilities to you as a patient, and your own responsibilities as a participant in the research study.
However, informed consent is so much more than a signature! It’s an ongoing process – not a one-time document. Informed consent

requires that your doctor makes sure you actually understand everything listed in the document you’re are signing. It also means your doctor should thoroughly and honestly answer any questions you may have about your care.
Before you give your consent for treatment with investigational drugs, your doctor should ensure that you have ALL of the information necessary to make the best decisions about your healthcare before and even during the study.
If I am placed in the control group of a medical study in Boise ID, will I be expected to forgo life-saving treatment in the name of science?
In short? No!
Sometimes, researchers actually want patients to stay on their current medical treatment with the hope that the combination of treatments will give them the best results. In other cases, study protocols require participants to take ONLY the assigned medication for the duration of the study.
Either way, you will be informed of whether or not you should continue taking your usual medications before the study begins. You will not be asked to abruptly change your medication regimen to participate in a study if doing so could be dangerous or harmful to your health.
It would be unethical for researchers to provide patients with severe, progressive, and/or life-threatening illnesses a placebo treatment that is ineffective for managing their condition. In such situations, patients in the control group are usually provided with the ‘standard of care’ or most effective treatment currently available for their condition, rather than a ‘sugar pill’.
If I apply to be a participant in a medical study, how much of my care will be covered by insurance?
Volunteers for clinical trials in Boise ID rarely have to pay any costs related to the trial.
Our study sponsors (such as pharmaceutical companies) tend to pay for costs such as data collection and management, research physician and nurse time, analysis of results, and tests performed purely for research purposes. Many insurance companies actually will cover the costs of patients’ care associated with participating in certain clinical trials – such as necessary tests, doctor’s visits, hospital stays, etc. However, you should always ask us which costs will be your responsibility and check with your health insurance carrier about the coverage they provide for clinical trial participants before making the decision to participate.
Why should I choose Injury Care Research or Family Care Research as my clinical research clinic in Boise ID?
When you participate in medical research, you may receive extra tests and closer monitoring from our staff than you would at your regular doctor’s office at no cost to you. Furthermore, many patients who participate in clinical research tell us that they get a feeling of deep satisfaction about contributing to the advancement of medical science.
At Injury Care and Family Care Research, you are so much more than a set of symptoms on which to test an investigational drug. You are contributing your valuable time and putting your trust in us in an effort to advance the future of medicine for all. At Injury Care and Family Care Research, we view clinical trial participants as medical heroes!

How can I learn more about clinical research before applying to be a study participant Boise ID?
Please visit the Center for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) Education Center to learn more about clinical trials.
(This resource is so handy, even WE used it for reference while creating our clinical trial trivia quiz.)