Have you been searching for a fibromyalgia clinical trial in Boise, Idaho?

If so, you may have come across some misinformation along the way… Despite recent research published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry revealing that fibromyalgia leaves a clear metabolic signature in the blood, many people still doubt its existence.
Patients looking for support from friends and family are all too often met with, “It’s all in your head.” or… “It can’t be that bad.”
Many are hesitant to share their fibromyalgia diagnosis due to stigma that men and women with fibromyalgia are “lazy” or “hypochondriacs.” In fact, “Fibromyalgia hypochondria,” “signs someone is faking fibromyalgia,” and “Is fibromyalgia real?” are searched dishearteningly often on Google.
Of course, none of these are accurate descriptions of fibromyalgia patients or the daily difficulties they face.
What Do the Doctors Have to Say? Is Fibromyalgia Real?
Many doctors have disagreed over the years about whether fibromyalgia pain is caused by primarily psychological factors or physiological factors. Today, not all doctors agree that the word ‘fibromyalgia’ is the most accurate terminology for the cluster of chronic symptoms faced by as many as 4 million Americans.

However, most doctors – including those at Injury Care Research- agree: Fibromyalgia is REAL.
If you sign up for an Injury Care Research fibromyalgia clinical trial, you will be treated with the dignity that all chronic pain patients deserve – NOT put into the uncomfortable position where you feel forced to prove that your medical condition exists! Dr. Radnovich and his associates stand apart from the staff of other local pain and research clinics, because their work is fueled by a genuine desire to cure disease, minimize and alleviate patient suffering and improve quality of life.
Making Sense of Fibromyalgia Symptoms
The pain that fibromyalgia causes can be even more widespread than the misconceptions surrounding it. The most common fibromyalgia symptom is pain; it may be diffuse, sharp, chronic, or severe. Pain often occurs at night, making it difficult to sleep.
Other common fibromyalgia symptoms include:
- Sore Muscles
- Muscle Spasms
- Nausea
- Sensory Disturbances (such as sensitivity to cold and pain, or pins-and-needles- feelings in the hands and feet)
- Mood disturbances (like anxiety, depression, and mood swings)
- Fatigue
- Headaches
Some patients also say that they experience gastrointestinal upset (like nausea, constipation, or excessive gas), joint stiffness, & painful periods.
One of the lesser known symptoms of the condition is forgetfulness or lack of concentration. This is more commonly called “Brain Fog” or “Fibro Fog”.
One of the goals of the fibromyalgia clinical trials we conduct in Boise, Idaho is to potentially alleviate some or all of these symptoms by finding an effective treatment for fibromyalgia symptoms.
What Causes Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Unfortunately, we don’t know what causes fibromyalgia symptoms… yet.
Many experts think that fibromyalgia symptoms may be caused by a malfunctioning nervous system, in which the brain recognizes and interprets pain signals in the body too strongly. This is sometimes called “pain amplification” or “increased pain sensitivity”.
Some other theories include

- That there may be a possible hereditary component.
- That fibromyalgia may be triggered by autoimmune illness, like lupus or arthritis.
- That extraordinary stress (emotional or physical) may play a role in triggering the disease.
Why Should You Join a Fibromyalgia Research Study at Injury Care Research in Boise ID?
We treat our chronic pain patients with the respect that they deserve. We recognize that study volunteers are at the heart of our business at Injury Care Research and Family Care Research, and we value your limited time and energy. Our medical team is compassionate and friendly. Providing our patient participants with the safest, highest quality of care is our number one priority.
Other benefits to volunteering to participate in medical research at Injury Care Research include:
- careful evaluation of your personal health by a team headed by physicians renowned in the field of pain management, provided at no cost to you. No insurance is necessary;
- opportunities to receive new therapies before they are made available to the general public;
- the knowledge that you are making a personal contribution to the advancement of global health care.
Often, compensation is available to study volunteers for time and travel associated with participation.
Would You Consider Joining a Fibromyalgia Clinical Trial in Boise, Idaho? If So… Where Should You Start?

Begin with the Basics
Do you wonder whether a fibromyalgia clinical trial might be right for you?
Before making your final decision, it’s important for you to understand the clinical research process and your rights as a participant in a medical research study. This easy quiz and accompanying article are a great place to start: Facts Vs. Myths in Clinical Research.
Find Out If You Fit The Criteria
To participate in an Injury Care Research fibromyalgia clinical trial in Boise, Idaho, you must first be officially diagnosed with the disease.
Fibromyalgia Diagnosis
A formal fibromyalgia diagnosis may come from your primary care physician or rheumatologist. You may also be officially evaluated and diagnosed by Dr. Radnovich during your clinical trial screening visit when Injury Care Research is enrolling patients for fibromyalgia clinical trials in Boise ID.
Other Eligibility Criteria
All research studies have certain qualifications that patients must meet to participate.In other words, not everyone with fibromyalgia may be accepted into a clinical trial. These qualifications, also known as eligibility criteria, are put in place by the creators of each study to ensure that the investigational drug is safe for the research participant and that the results of the study are clear and useful. Furthermore, they also help to identify individuals who are most likely to actually benefit from participation in the trial.
Our experienced recruitment specialists can help you figure out if a particular clinical trial is right for you. As they do, they will ask you many questions, such as:
- What kinds of treatments have you tried before? Are any of them contraindicated with the treatment the fibromyalgia clinical trials you’re considering are testing?
- Your age, race, and gender (Some studies are designed to examine how a new treatment works in a very specific population.)
- How much do your symptoms interfere with daily life? Which symptoms do you struggle with the most?
- What other health conditions do you have?
- Are you able to attend regular follow up visits at our clinic in Boise, Idaho?
Our recruitment specialists do more than ask questions; they answer them, too.
Whether you apply by phone, by email, or over the phone – someone is waiting to answer your questions and explain your risks, potential benefits, and rights as a participant in a fibromyalgia clinical trial at our clinic in Boise, Idaho.
How to Apply
One of the first things you should do before applying to join our fibromyalgia clinical trials in Boise, Idaho is review the Study Participants page of our website. There, you’ll find the answers to some frequently asked questions, as well as links to our online application & a list of current studies.
Once you fill out an online application to participate in a medical research study at Injury Care Research, a recruitment specialist will reach out to you as soon as possible to answer any questions and guide you through the process of joining a fibromyalgia clinical trial in Boise, Idaho.
You may also call the Injury Care Research clinic directly at 208-621-2503
We look forward to hearing from you, and working together to advance the development of new medications that aid in revolutionizing modern healthcare’s management of fibromyalgia!